Save Our Libraries

If we don’t do something to save our libraries, they will be closed by Douglas County. Perhaps you’ve heard of this effort by citizens to keep our libraries open. Please support them by attending tonight’s Feb. 8th, 7:00 PM City Council meeting.Save Our Library

What is going to happen:

The Save Our Libraries Committee is making a pitch for the city council to opt-in to our proposed new library district.

The Roseburg City Council meeting tonight on Feb 8th starts at 7pm at the City Hall.

The City Council has received a packet that includes a Sample Resolution, an outline of our presentation, and an Economic Feasibility Statement which includes a detailed budget for the next 3 years. They have the information they need to make a decision.

Would you please find time to become part of the audience? We want to convince the city council that there are folks that value the library System and they should opt-in to the new district so their citizens can vote in November , yes or no, on a new library district.

As you may have heard, the County has been progressively withdrawing funding for the library system.

If we don’t manage to create the new special library district, the Douglas County Library System – all 11 libraries – will close down sometime during the next two years.

If you can help us pack the audience with other library supporters, all the better.

This presentation to the council is only a part of an effort to put a Special Library District on the November ballot.

The next step is to circulate a petition. The petition will require countywide volunteers to collect as many as 10,000 signatures. A Big Job. If you can volunteer for signature gathering in your community please sign-up at: Save Our Libraries.

Author: LWVUV


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